TL;DR: As of Feb. 8, you can sign up for a lifetime subscription to LazyApply Job Application software for only $67 — that’s a major discount from the $999 value.
Applying for jobs is immensely time-consuming and stressful. It’s not just the time that makes it tough, though. Finding a new job after being laid off adds to an already challenging task.
When layoffs are a concern, thinking about applying for a new job can be stressful. You may be able to save some time by automating the application process using LazyApply Job Application. This job-hunting app could help you find your next position, and a lifetime subscription is only $67.
Simplify your job search
Applying for jobs can be exciting, but it can also require a whole lot of filling in the blanks with the same information over and over. Skip the redundancies and let LazyApply do some of the busywork. All you have to do is upload your job skills, work history, and other info into the app. Then, LazyApply will autofill your information on sites like LinkedIn and Indeed. You can even use unlimited LinkedIn profile emails to reach out for new job opportunities.
Still not getting many bites on your application materials? Check out LazyApply’s CV tips and see if there are a few changes you can make to stand out from the crowd. It might not be your job materials that are making it hard to land a promising role. If it’s just a numbers game, then you may have a better shot if you use all 150 job applications LazyApply can manage for you every day. You can even track your application performance and get detailed analytics. For a little extra insight, you could also use your one weekly consultation call to find new application strategies.
LazyApply can’t hand you a job, but it might help you get an interview. Then it’s up to you to show off how awesome you are at what you do.
Automate the job application process
Take your next job search to the next level. If you’re tired of filling in your work history when you already uploaded a résumé, get a lifetime subscription to LazyApply Job Application software on sale for $67 (reg. $999).
Prices subject to change.

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LazyApply Job Application: Lifetime Subscription
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