By the time I’d gotten the wheels, handlebar, and frame out of the giant box, I was exhausted. I still had to put together the pieces of the 39-pound electric scooter and then charge it up before I could start riding.
This was my introduction to owning an e-scooter that would live in my house and only be ridden by me.
Out of the box!
Image: sasha lekach / mashable
A scooter of my very own.
Image: sashalekach / mashable
At the start of the pandemic, smaller, two-wheeled (usually electric) vehicles had a moment. Public transit was practically dead and electric scooter rentals were either temporarily shut down or shunned. The thinking went: Better to have your own device free from others’ germs. Bike sales in the U.S. were up more than 3,500 percent in May 2020, based on data from PeopleForBikes. Read more…
More about Electric Scooters, Tech, and Transportation