How to unlock TikTok's secret emoji codes

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TikTok isn’t just about sharing creative content, it’s also about collaborating, commenting, and getting involved in a unique community. To do this effectively, you should know how to communicate in TikTik’s secret language: a set of hidden emoji you can “unlock” by using special shortname codes. Some of these emoji, emoticons, or stickers are similar to the familiar emoji you already use on other platforms — but others are unique to TikTok. 

How to insert hidden TikTok emoji

When you’re making a TikTok comment, you simply need to type the secret code word you’re using inside two square brackets. So, for example, [angel]. 

the word "angel" with square brackets around it

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

Be sure to use the square brackets rather than the curved versions. Then, your secret word will automatically turn into a secret emoji.

Why would you want to use TikTok’s hidden emoji?

There are two main advantages to using TikTok’s hidden emoji. The first is that it will make you look like a knowledgeable TikTok insider, well-versed in the secret language of the platform.

A series of various TikTok emoji followed by a series of standard emoji

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

The second is that unlike the native system emoji on iOS, Android, or from Microsoft, TikTok’s hidden emoji appear in exactly the same visual style on all operating systems, and on all devices, so there is no ambiguity about their meaning. 

A complete list of all the hidden TikTok emoji

There are currently 46 hidden TikTok emoji. Here is a full list of the secret TikTok emoji you can unlock right now. 

[angel], [angry], [astonish]

hidden TikTok emoji: angel, angry, astonish

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

[awkward], [blink], [complacent]

hidden TikTok emoji: awkward, blink, complacent

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

[cool], [cry], [cute]

hidden TikTok emoji: cool, cry, cute

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

[disdain], [drool], [embarrassed]

hidden TikTok emoji: disdain, drool, embarrassed

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

[evil], [excited], [facewithrollingeyes]

hidden emoji: evil, excited, face with rolling eyes

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

[flushed], [funnyface], [greedy]

hidden TikTok emoji: flushed, funnyface, greedy

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

[happy], [hehe], [joyful]

hidden TikTok emoji: happy, hehe, joyful

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

[laugh], [laughwithtears], [loveface]

hidden emoji: laugh, laugh with tears, love face

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

[lovely], [nap], [pride]

hidden TikTok emoji: lovely, nap, pride

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

[proud], [rage], [scream]

hidden TikTok emoji: proud, rage, scream

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

[shock], [shout], [slap]

hidden TikTok emoji: shout, shock, slap

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

[smile], [smileface], [speechless]

hidden TikTok emoji: smile, smileface, speechless

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

[stun], [sulk], [surprised]

hidden TikTok emoji: stun, sulk, surprised

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

[tears], [thinking], [weep]

hidden emoji: tears, thinking, weep

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

[wicked], [wow], [wronged], [yummy]

hidden emoji: wicked, wow, wronged, yummy

Credit: Screengrab: TikTok

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