It’s cool that Instagram stories are temporary…until you want them to be permanent.
Allow us to introduce you to Instagram Highlights, which allow you to take content from your Insta Story or archive and put it in its own little “Highlight” section on your profile.
Did anything significant happen that you captured on your Story? Get engaged? Start a new job? Go to a concert? If it’s on your Story, you can turn it into a Highlight to look back on when you go to your profile. Here’s how to create one.
There are a few different ways you can start, but before we get there, the very first thing you need is an Instagram Story to get your Highlight from. Once you have that, you can access a number of ways to turn it into a Highlight.
1. Go to your profile page and, under “Story Highlights,” tap the “+” button to add a Highlight.

Credit: screenshot: instagram
Go to your profile page and hit the “+” button in the top right corner. Then tap “Story Highlight.”

Credit: screenshot: instagram
Either option will get you to this screen:

Credit: screenshot: instagram
2. Select the piece(s) of your Story you want to become a Highlight, and tap “Next.”
3. Edit your cover if you want. Give your Highlight a title, and tap “Add.”

Credit: screenshot: instagram
4. Your Highlight will now appear on your Instagram profile.

Credit: screenshot: instagram
You can also create a Highlight directly from your Story:
1. Go to your Instagram Story.
2. When you get to the frame you want to Highlight, tap “Highlight” on the bottom right.

Credit: screenshot: instagram
3. You can either create a new Highlight with it or add it to another Highlight.

Credit: screenshot: instagram
4. If you create a new Highlight, give it a title and tap “Add.”
5. If you want to add it to another Highlight, just tap the Highlight you want to add it to — and you’re done! That frame will play right after the first frame in your Highlight.
You can view your Highlight collection under your name and bio on your profile page.

Credit: screenshot: instagram
One other way to create a Highlight is by accessing your Story Archive.
1. Go to your profile page and tap the menu icon in the top right corner.
2. Tap “Archive” in the menu that comes up.

Credit: screenshot: instagram
3. Tap a frame from your Archive that you want to turn into a Highlight.
4. See above “create a highlight directly from your Story” and repeat steps 2 through 5.
And that’s how Highlights are done. Find a special moment on your Instagram Story (or in your Archive) and Highlight it on your profile for you and your friends to look back on. Happy Highlighting!