The harmful radiation we ordinarily avoid could help protect us from Covid.
Experts say the spread of coronavirus variants means people need to step up their mask game. While doubling up is an option, as is upgrading from a cloth mask to an N95, some high-tech products are emerging to take masking even further by incorporating ultraviolet-C light sanitation.
UVC light is a class of radiation with short wavelengths. It’s naturally emitted by the sun, but man-made light sources like LEDs can also be made to generate it.
While it’s harmful to humans if it reaches our skin and eyes, UVC also has the ability to disrupt the DNA of pathogens and prevent viruses (including coronavirus) from spreading. That makes it a sanitation tool that cities and organizations like hospitals have been using for years to keep public spaces and even water water supplies healthy. It’s become even more prominent recently amid the coronavirus pandemic, as cities like New York have turned to UVC to sanitize subway cars. Read more…
More about Masks, Uv Light, Coronavirus, Tech, and Health