He said he was asleep at time of wife's murder. His health app said otherwise.

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He said he was asleep at time of wife's murder. His health app said otherwise.

While not necessarily impartial, your smartphone is one hell of an observer. 

An Alabama man found that out the hard way this week when he was sentenced on Monday to 16 years in prison for killing his wife. While there were numerous factors leading to Jeff West’s conviction in November on charges of reckless manslaughter, AL.com, an Alabama news site, reports that data from his smartphone’s health app played a role. 

West reportedly told law enforcement that he had gone to sleep around 10:30 p.m. the night of his wife’s death in 2018. However, according to data from his phone’s health app, he took 18 steps between 11:03 p.m. and 11:10 p.m. Read more…

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