Daylight Savings Time: When your clocks will change on your devices

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In what can only be described as tremendously good news, Daylight Saving Time hits this weekend, meaning we’ll spring forward and inch closer to those long summer nights.

But when exactly are our clocks due for the change?

The clocks will change one hour forward at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 9. That means in the wee hours of Sunday, it’ll suddenly switch to 3 a.m. as we hit what would’ve been 2 a.m. The bad news? You’re losing an hour of sleep. The good news? There will be extra daylight at the end of the day.

Now, to be clear, you have nothing to do with your devices. Pretty much every modern phone, computer, or smart watch will make the shift automatically. However, you might have to manually change the times on your oven, microwave, and coffeemaker to avoid it looking like a black hole opened in your kitchen.

Experts have warned that Daylight Saving Time can lead to adverse health effects, such as increased fatigue and reduced focus, which can cause serious downstream health problems. It’s important to limit any sleep loss due to changes in time.

But for me, personally, I can’t wait for the sun to be up a bit longer.

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