12 people are behind most of the anti-vaxxer disinformation you see on social media

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12 people are behind most of the anti-vaxxer disinformation you see on social media

If you catch your old college roommate sharing COVID-19 vaccine misinformation on Facebook, the odds are that these falsehoods are coming from one of twelve people.

That’s right. Just twelve individuals.

A new report from the Center for Countering Digital Hate and Anti-Vax Watch found that up to 65 percent of “anti-vaccine content” on Facebook and Twitter originated from twelve influencers within the anti-vaxxer movement. 

The report focused on these twelve accounts after an analysis of content that was shared and posted on Facebook and Twitter 812,000 times between Feb. 1 and March 16.

On Facebook alone, the content from these individuals, which the reports dubs as the “Disinformation Dozen,” accounts for 73 percent of all anti-vaxxer content posted or shared on the platform in the last two months. Read more…

More about Facebook, Misinformation, Anti Vaxxer, Tech, and Social Media Companies

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