Mark Zuckerberg is using Signal, according to phone number leaked in Facebook hack

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Mark Zuckerberg is using Signal, according to phone number leaked in Facebook hack

Mark Zuckerberg is just like us.

Well, only in that he also appears to be using the secure messaging app Signal, despite owning WhatsApp, one of its largest competitors.

Cybersecurity researcher Dave Walker discovered that the Facebook CEO was among the 533 million users whose personal information was leaked online after a Facebook hack in 2019.

“Regarding the #FacebookLeak, of the 533M people in the leak — the irony is that Mark Zuckerberg is regrettably included in the leak as well,” Walker tweeted. He redacted part of Zuckerberg’s number, but says he found that Zuckerberg’s leaked phone number was associated with a Signal account — the chat app that has end-to-end encryption and is a direct competitor to Facebook’s WhatsApp. Read more…

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