TL;DR: Get qualified for a career in the tech industry with the 2021 Complete CompTIA Certification Prep Super Bundle. As of Feb. 13, get access to the 16-course bundle for $69 — a 98% savings.
It’s no secret that money lies in the tech industry. What’s a bit vaguer is how to get there and make that career possible. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to go back to school to get the basics. You can save time and thousands of dollars in the process, and get started in a career in IT security, risk management, and more, from the comfort of your home. How? Glad you asked.
This CompTIA certification bundle includes 16 courses and over 1,500 lessons on IT basics, networks, the cloud, security, and more. The best part? College/university is replaced with iCollege, a marketplace for e-learning, established in 2003 under XpertSkills. iCollege is the organization trusted by major tech hubs to equip employees hired in Silicon Valley and more. It’s even an official CompTIA partner, so you know no topic or fundamental skill will be left behind or ignored. Read more…
More about Mashable Shopping, Comptia Training Bundle, Tech, and Cybersecurity