Cloudflare's new system aims to end CAPTCHAs, but it might be easier to just keep them

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Cloudflare's new system aims to end CAPTCHAs, but it might be easier to just keep them

CAPTCHAs are well-known and well-hated, and while I would do a lot of things to never have to identify a traffic signal again, Cloudflare’s new security key system doesn’t make the hassle any more bearable, or even as equally secure. 

Encountering a CAPTCHA while perusing the internet often goes like this: Is that a palm tree or a regular tree? Is that a minuscule corner of a crosswalk or a white blob? Am I a robot or a human? 

Instead of suffering through this pain, Cloudflare wants to eliminate CAPTCHAs with its new security system, called the “Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood.” The software currently uses physical USB security keys, like Yubikey, to register when you touch or look at the device.  Read more…

More about Cloudflare, Captcha, Tech, and Cybersecurity

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